💨Invites deprecated

Here is the invites command list:




Add bonus invites to a member.

/addInvites @user <amount> [reason]

Shows members joins and leaves charts


Get all informations about a user.

/info < userId | @userMention | username > [ "members" | "bonus"] [page]

Know the number of invites a user has on the server.

/invites [ @user | userid | username ]

Show the invites leaderboard of a guild.

/leaderboard [full] [page]

Remove bonus invites to a member.

/removeInvites @user <amount> [reason]

Deletes the invites history of the server or of a member.

/resetInvites [all | @user]

Restore the deleted invites history of the server or of a member.

/restoreInvites [all | @user]

Import invites as bonus from invitemanager-based bots.


Last updated