💬Edit join-leave messages
Last updated
Last updated
Placeholders (also called variables) allow you to customize join and leave messages following your needs
● For join and leave messages
The discord username of the member.
The discord ID of the member.
The username and discriminator of the member.
The mention of the member (they will be pinged).
URL of the member's avatar.
November 5th 2020, 8:00:36 pm
Date the discord user account was created.
November 3, 2022 at 1:48 PM (<t:1667479680:f>)
Display member account creation date in a discord integrated date
3 months
Duration since the discord user account was created
2 days ago
Display since when the member account has been created
2 days ago (<t:1667479680:R>)
Display since when the member account has been created in a discord integrated date
The invite code used.
aka {inviteCount}
Gives the current invites count of the inviter.
Number of invites the inviter has as bonus (assigned manually with /addinvites)
Number of fake invites the inviter has.
Number of invites that were removed because the member left.
Total number of joins & bonuses registered for this inviter (inviteValidCount + inviteBonusCount + inviteFakeCount)
The discord username of the inviter.
The discord ID of the inviter.
The mention of the inviter (user will be pinged).
The username and discriminator of the inviter.
April 15, 2017 at 1:48 PM (<t:1492260480:f>)
Display invite account creation date in a discord integrated date
6 years ago (<t:1492260480:R>)
Display since when the inviter account has been created in a discord integrated date
Number of members your server has in total.
InviteLogger | Support 🌐
Gives the current name of the server.
URL of the server's icon.
● For join only messages
URL of the inviter's avatar.
Number of use of this invite code
1:56:24 pm
The time the member arrived in a 12h format
The time the member arrived in a 24h format
1:56:24 pm (<t:1667479680:T>)
The time the member arrived in a discord integrated date (auto format)
● For leave only messages
November 5th 2020, 8:00:36 pm
Date when the member last joined this server
November 3, 2022 at 1:48 PM (<t:1667479680:f>)
Date when the member last joined this server in a discord integrated date format
2 days ago
Display relatively when the member has joined
2 days ago (<t:1667479680:R>)
Display relatively when the member has joined in a discord integrated format
3 months
Time the member spent on the server
● With inviteLogger gold
They have joined from the source Twitter
The complete sentence which will be added on your join message (can be edited with /sourcesConfig setMessage your message here)
The name of your source (set on source setup)
Users who come from twitter
The description of your source (set on source setup)
The name of your source role (set on source setup)